
Oracle, Java, UML Training Courses and more

Classes in your offices or online from our experienced instructors

Training for Oracle, Java, UML and more ... Time is money and your time is your money! Unfocused training courses that waste time are an excellent way of wasting your money as well. Our short, intensive classes can be presented at a time to suite your business and your staff, maximising the return from your investment.

Previous clients frequently call our classes "Effective", "Efficient" and "Easy to use".
Effective. Your staff or clients will return from our classes with the skills needed to make them valuable immediately - our expert trainers will ensure that the necessary skills to perform effectively are taught to each student on a training course. Classroom training to suite your needs
Efficient. Short, intensive training classes using proven learning methods speed your trainees to the required knowledge level with the maximum of guided hands-on practical work.
Easy to use. With a single phone call to us, your database or programming class can be left to run with no further management or administration effort. Check the availability for current booking information.


We organise freelance and contract instructors, classroom accommodation, hardware and software, taking full control of all aspects of delivering a successful and productive training class for your organisation.

We can deliver the majority of our classes effectively and efficiently, using hosted Internet conferencing technology.

Our results speak for themselves ... over 90% of our clients organise follow-up classes in the same subjects, furthering their students and staff knowledge levels. The majority of these clients specifically request the same instructor, ensuring that they receive an on-going high level of training and support.

To find out more about our Oracle, Java, XML or UML training courses, e-mail us or phone us for immediate instructor bookings. Or just follow me on Twitter!






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October 6, 2010 9:12 AM